Newborn Photoshoot Reading

Little Mila was my first Newborn Photoshoot done since arriving in the Reading, UK. She did not disappoint: the prettiest little girl, with the most doting big brothers!

She took a while to fall asleep for her newborn photoshoot – which is understandable, as she’d travelled all the way from London to Reading for her newborn photoshoot, and wanted to have a little look around first. So we had tea and chatted, because that’s how we roll.

And once she was asleep, she was an absolute superstar for her photoshoot!

Also, who doesn’t love baby smiles? Isn’t she gorgeous?

Emigration is not easy. And essentially starting what feels like scratch again, is scary, and hard.

But I’m grateful for this opportunity to serve the Reading area. I love doing newborn shoots, and am grateful for every bit of work that comes my way!

Babyshoot, newborn, Newborn Photoshoot Reading, Newborn shoot, photoshoot, reading
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